Bali Ha'i Will Call You

Tattoo artist on the High Seas

In 2008, the local town theatre performed Rodgers and Hammerstein's "South Pacific," or as I affectionately referred to it, SPac. SPac is my favorite onomatopoeia. For this production, the director had the sets and costumes covered from the outset. That meant that come performances, the only thing requiring my time other than helping folks with their makeup was providing tattoos for some of the sailors.

The lead sailor, Luther Billis ("Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Billis?") played by a friend of mine, is supposed to have a huge collection of tattoos, including a ship covering his belly. I also gave him a heart with a "Betty Sue" banner on his right bicep, an ode to his favorite actor. He got a Jolly Roger on his other bicep, an anchor on one calf, and a pin-up mermaid on his forearm.

My character was called "The Professor," presumably because none of the other sailors went to college. At least, I like to think of him as a know-it-all, starting most of his sentences with, "Well, Professor So-and-so always says..." When thinking what kind of tattoo "The Professor" would choose, I decided to go with a classic and pay homage to one of my favorites: Shakespeare. It was an interesting challenge drawing an upside-down portrait on my own forearm, but I am quite pleased with how it came out.

The director gave us lots of leeway to play with, so I added a little romantic tryst with one of the navy nurses, adjusted the Latin Billis coerces me to recite, and perpetually carried a pocket-sized copy of a classic novel in one pocket and a beer bottle in the other. Over all, it was a very lighthearted fun show.

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